Worm Moon/Fusion Man

Full Worm MoonMarch 3rd was the night of the full “worm moon”. I haven’t taken any pinholes of the full moon in several months but the timing was good now. The steroids I’m taking allow me to go without sleep without losing any energy. I have been using a zone plate lately so was curious to see what might come from an exposure of the full moon.

I took photos throughout the day, mostly documenting my new post surgery outfit. Its quite an outfit. The brace is for support until my back heals and the titanium pins fuse with the vertebrate. The “bone stimulator” speeds up the process. I wear that 4 hours a day. I seem to have adapted pretty quickly to it all. But that’s probably just the steroids. I’m wondering what I’ll be thinking about all this after the steroids. These blog entries are so indulgent, but hey, I’m having fun with it and I think its a nice way to spend the time.

Gearing Up

Titanium pinsImage of X-ray superimposed over approximate location of titanium pins screwed into my spine. Science is amazing. (click for larger image)

My wife and I met with the oncologist today. I still don’t have a diagnosis. I’ll need more tests for that. Seems my situation is a bit unusual. I’m staying focosed on keeping up my physical strength, eating healthy food, art, life, and taking photos. The doctors will handle the rest (right?). The full moon photos were limited to shots from windows. I just guessed at exposure, knowing that the faster “zone plate” aperature would burn in way too fast for a long exposure. But I was glad that I at least got recognizable image. I needed at least one good image to make this blog entry “legitimate”!

Worm Moon through Skylight

Your man in the moon, signing out for now…

2 thoughts on “Worm Moon/Fusion Man”

  1. Gregg,

    Nice self portrait. Very “steroid” macho!

    And a nice catch there with the moon as well

  2. Dear Gregg,

    Have so many questions but will wait until you have the answers. Your pictures of the moon remind of the oil painting you did over 4o years ago. Remember? The moon over the ocean with a seagull floating on a piece of driftwood. Yes, I still have it. Your self-portrait..remember the sci-fi horror movies at “The Princess”? Geeze! Will forward pictures on to Judy.

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