More on Cancer, Art and Life

While waiting for my cancer to miraculously disappear, I’ve been as productive or maybe even more productive as an artist than any other time of my life. And I’ve also had four more unchronicled surgeries since I last wrote about my cancer experiences in late 2009. Its hard to maintain focus and stay productive while skirting around the minefield of aging with cancer.

But today is an especially good day for me, following an especially bad couple of months. I came home from the hospital yesterday after a five day stay, recovering from an infection near my spine. I’m very grateful it turned out not to be as serious as it might have been. A couple of weeks before that, I had a major surgery to replace the hardware in my back – two titanium pins and a titanium vertebrate replacement that keep me upright. And before that, in April, I had surgery to remove more of the ever growing tumor that has lived along my spine for more than four years now. Even earlier, sometime last year, I had another surgery now too long ago to remember exactly when or why. Balancing out all of my recent hospital and recovery time, I have been preparing for two showings of my work coming up this year, one in Raleigh and one in Chapel Hill. Yesterday morning I wasn’t sure I could endure one more surgery and stay in the hospital. Now, 24 hours later I’m sitting on top of the world. It seems the lower the lows, the higher the highs. Or it could just be the drugs.

Today is also the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. I was invited to participate in a global art project organized by Diego Lopez CalviĀ­n of Madrid call “Time In a Can“. Forty of us around the world are placing pinhole cameras in our environments starting today, that will record photographs for up to six months. I managed to place two cameras today. My walking is still a bit limited, so my first two cameras are close to home, one on my deck and one on the windshield of my car. Three more to put out in the next few days. Art (and/or play) marches on.

7 thoughts on “More on Cancer, Art and Life”

  1. You are amazing.

    My spirits were low until I read your piece.

    looking forward to seeing your exhibition TOGETHER when we’ll celebrate

    We admire and love you


  2. Hay Gregg,

    Sorry to learn you are still having medical issues. I still hope for a visit from you and Carmela later in the summer. Congratulations on your art showings. Great to hear your creativity is going strong. Time in a Can invited me also to be part of the project.I installed one “camera” on my upstairs porch-pointing south. I farmed out the others to friends and all theirs are up and going as well. It all should be fun. It will be interesting to see which “cameras” record etc. Of course, this is not your first time with solargraphy.

    Keep me posted.

    Love to you both,

    Willie Anne

  3. Gregg your perseverance is a blessing and inspiration to us all! Hope we can catch up next time I am on the east coast. (though no plans at the moment)

  4. I am glad you are doing well. Donna, Barry, Aunt Sylvia, Wink and cathy Hendricks will all be here on Saturday. come if you can.

  5. Gregg,
    You always amaze me and I love your spirit. Let us know when you have the show in Raleigh and Chapel Hill so we can plan to attend. Would still love to catch up and have lunch with you when you’re feeling up to it.

    Take care my friend. Miss seeing you, but so good to hear from you!

  6. Hi Gregg

    I really hope things improve for you health-wise. It’s wonderful to see your spirit and creativity shining so brightly inspite of it all. Thanks for the inspiration and joy you bring.

    All the best.


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