Buy a Print and Support Lung Cancer Research

Two photographs from my “North Carolina Outer Banks” series will be auctioned at a Saxapahaw Country Hoedown in September. This is a fundraiser for the North Carolina Lung Cancer Partnership to raise money for lung cancer research.

A Saxapahaw Country Hoedown

Roxy Farms Antiques in Saxapahaw, NC, will host a special benefit for the North Carolina Lung Cancer Partnership at a Country Hoedown on Saturday, Sept. 10, from 1-4 p.m. Roxy Farms Antiques is located at 5768 Church Rd. in Saxapahaw, NC.

Proceeds from the Hoedown will be donated to the North Carolina Lung Cancer Partnership for a program that provides grants to young researchers working to find a cure for lung cancer. The Partnership is a 501 C-3 non-profit organization located in Research Triangle Park with a mission to decrease deaths due to lung cancer and help patients live longer and better through research, awareness and advocacy.

The Hoedown is FREE OF CHARGE and the public is invited to COME OUT AND JOIN US!

Click for Events Listing

Lung cancer is the #1 cancer-killer of American women and men, killing more people than breast, colon, prostate, lymphoma and melanoma cancers combined, yet lung cancer receives the least amount of federal funding per death. According to statistics compiled by the NC Central Cancer Registry, 7,991 men and women in North Carolina will be diagnosed with lung cancer in 2011, and of that number approximately 5,934 North Carolinians will die from lung cancer.

“Lung cancer can happen to anyone,” said Amy Cipau, President of the NCLCP. “Fifty percent of lung cancer patients quit smoking before they are diagnosed with lung cancer, and 15% to 20% of lung cancer patients have never smoked.”

Roxy Farms Antiques owner Sue Dayton added, “This is a great event to create awareness about lung cancer, raise money to find a cure, hear some great music, taste some of our locally-grown wines, bid on lots of great pieces of art and gifts from local businesses – and have some good old-fashioned fun!”

For more information, contact Sue Dayton at

Photographs by Gregg Kemp to be auctioned:

1 thought on “Buy a Print and Support Lung Cancer Research”

  1. Hi Gregg! LOVE those photographs and we thank you for your generous donation. Looking forward to seeing you and Mel – and friends – at the fundraiser!

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