“Time in a Can” is a project created and developed by estudio redondo, a multidisciplinary team based in Madrid. In 2011, Estudio Redondo designed and built solargraphy cameras with the support of Asociacion de Latas de Bebidas (Association of Beverage Cans). Cameras were shipped to 40 pinhole photographers around the globe, from the Equator to both Hemispheres. Each photographer was sent 5 cameras. All participants worked together for six months, the period between summer and winter solstice 2011. All participants used the same cameras and used the same parameters during all the procedures in order to achieve and compare the solar phenomena in the same period of time. I was one of the invited participants and pleased to have been a part of this global project
Now, two years later, Estudio Redondo has organized an exhibition of prints from this project. The Time in a Can international solarigraphy exhibition that will open on June 24th, 8pm at Fundacion Diario Madrid.
Fundacion Diario Madrid
Larra, 14 28004 – Madrid
Tel: 91 594 48 21
June 24 – July 30, 2013
More information:
- Time in a Can website
- Estudio Redondo website
- Fundación Diario Madrid (exhibition gallery host)
- TIME IN A CAN:Â A blend of science and photography (interview with Diego Lopez Calvin of Estudio Redondo)
- SOLARIGRAFIA/SOLARGRAPHY (Diego Lopez Calvin’s website)